19 research outputs found

    Trusted operational scenarios - Trust building mechanisms and strategies for electronic marketplaces.

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    This document presents and describes the trusted operational scenarios, resulting from the research and work carried out in Seamless project. The report presents identified collaboration habits of small and medium enterprises with low e-skills, trust building mechanisms and issues as main enablers of online business relationships on the electronic marketplace, a questionnaire analysis of the level of trust acceptance and necessity of trust building mechanisms, a proposal for the development of different strategies for the different types of trust mechanisms and recommended actions for the SEAMLESS project or other B2B marketplaces.trust building mechanisms, trust, B2B networks, e-marketplaces

    Making OpenType fonts with free software

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    Práca podrobne spracováva súčasnú problematiku typografie a počítačového písma formátu OpenType. Zo začiatku sa venuje historickému vývoju písma, kde kladie dôraz hlavne na vývoj rímskeho písma a latinky a popisuje ich vlastnosti. Po uvedení základov typografie sa práca koncentruje na problematiku digitálneho písma a fontu s dôrazom na možnosti formátu digitálneho písma OpenType. Boli vymenované jeho charakteristické vlastnosti a výhody oproti iným formátom a bol vyhodnotený ako vhodný formát aj pre výučbu tvorby písma. Prestrkávanie a kerning boli spomenuté medzi základnými grafickými úpravami vytváraného písma. V teoretickej časti práce boli skúmané z dostupných programov určených k tvorbe fontu vo formáte OpenType. Do prehľadu okrem voľne dostupných prostriedkov boli zaradené i komerčné verzie z dôvodu absencie pokročilejších nástrojov a funkcií u voľne dostupných programov. Vyhodnotenie ukázalo, že najvhodnejší pre výučbu sú komerčný program Fontlab Fontographer, voľne šírený Type lite a Fontforge určený pre platformu Open-source. Praktická časť práce sa obmedzila na dva vybrané programy pre tvorbu hlavných charakteristík písma. Zisťovalo sa, či je možné získať rovnaké výsledky s použitím oboch programov. Program Fontographer umožnil pracovať so širokou paletou nástrojov určených k vektorovému spracovaniu grafiky obdobným nástrojom Adobe Illustrator. V prípade programu Type lite bolo nástrojov podstatne menej, čo postačuje na jednouchú prácu a zoznámenie s tvorbou digitálneho písma. Nedostatkom freeware je absencia funkcií kerning, spacing, či hinting. Z porovnania možností programov vyplýva, že voľne dostupné programy pre OS Windows svojou funkcionalitou postačujú pre výučbu iba základných charakteristík digitálneho písma. Najlepšou voľbou v oblasti voľne dostupných programov je program Fontforge pre OS Linux, ktorý menované typografické funkcie podporuje. Pre výučbu základných charakteristík písma formátu OpenType bol odporučený program Fontographer. Náplňou diplomovej práce bolo tiež zostavenie doporučeného pracovného postupu tvorby základných charakteristík písma OpenType pre študentov, ktorý je zaradený v prílohe na konci práce.In thesis themes of typography and computer font of OpenType format is described in details. At the beginning attention is paid to historical development of typeface, where stress is laid mainly on development of Roman and white letter with their characteristics. Having presented basis of typography work is concentrated on topic of digital font with emphasis on possibilities of OpenType format. Further its characteristics and advantages were listed compared to another formats and it was evaluated as format appropriate also for creating font in education process. Letterspacing and kerning were mentioned between basic graphical modifications in creating fonts. In theoretical part of the thesis they were examined in available programs designed for creating font in OpenType format. Except free available means into summary were included also commercial types due to absence of more advanced instruments and functions with free available applications. In evaluation was found that the most convenient for education is Fontlab Fontographer commercial program, free Type lite and Fontforge indicated for Open-source platform. Practical part of the thesis is focused on two chosen programs for creating main font characteristics. The goal was to detect if it is possible to reach identical results when using both programs. Fontographer program enabled to use wide tool palette dedicated to vector graphic processing by means of Adobe Illustrator similar instrument. In the case of Type lite program there were rather less instruments, what is sufficient for elementary work and familiarization with creating of digital typeface. Freeware shortage is basic absence of kerning, spacing or hinting functions. Comparing program possibilities, it falls that freeware programs based on OS Windows with their functionality are sufficient only for entry level users. The best option within free available programs is Fontforge for OS Linux which supports mentioned typographic functions. Fontographer was recommended for teaching of basic characteristics of OpenType font format. Another goal of the thesis was creating of recommended work procedure for creating basic characteristics of OpenType font for students, that is enclosed at the end of the thesis.

    Preparation of Training Data for the Design of Solid and Surface Structures

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na strukturované díly a jejich využití. Poskytuje stručný přehled o výzkumech, výhodách a nevýhodách nejen strukturovaných dílů, ale i aditivní výroby obecně. Dále popisuje základní principy aditivní výroby a navrhování struktur užitím softwaru Netfabb a jejich aplikaci na různé součásti.This bachelor´s thesis focuses on lattice structure parts and their utilization. It provides brief overview about research, benefits and disadvantages of both lattice structure parts and also additive manufacturing in general. Moreover, it describes basic principles of additive manufacturing and design of lattice structures with Netfabb software and their application to the various components.

    Draft modified winding technology of composite pipes

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na výrobu kompozitních trubek navíjením uhlíkových vláken prosycených v pryskyřičném pojivu a současným plněním přídavným materiálem třetího typu. Také poskytuje popis výrobního zařízení FWMS180 a rovněž všech přídavných zařízení nezbytných k výrobě kompozitů navíjením. V práci je podrobně popsán technologický postup výroby kompozitních trubek na výrobním zařízení FWMS180 a rozebrán způsob plnění přídavným materiálem. Dále jsou uvedeny postupy technologických zkoušek na ohyb a vibrace provedené na trubkách různého materiálového složení, jejich výsledky a porovnání. Práce dokazuje, že přítomnost materiálu třetího typu ve struktuře kompozitních trubek má různý vliv v závislosti na sledované a vyhodnocované vlastnosti.This diploma thesis focuses on composite pipes production by winding of composite fibres soaked in resin binder and feeding with additional third type material simultaneously. It also describes the production machine FWMS180 and all of its additional devices necessary for the composites production by filament winding. The production process of composite pipes on the production machine FWMS180 is described in this paper as well as detailed description of the winding method. Furthermore, the technological bend and vibration tests procedures conducted on pipes of different material composition are discussed with related results and comparison. The thesis proves that presence of the third type material in composite pipes structure has different influence depending on observed and evaluated property.

    Various Approaches to Web Information Processing

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    The paper focuses on the field of automatic extraction of information from texts and text document categorisation including pre-processing of text documents, which can be found on the Internet. In the frame of the presented work, we have devoted our attention to the following issues related to text categorisation: increasing the precision of categorisation algorithm results with the aid of a boosting method; searching a minimum number of decision trees, which enables the improvement of the categorisation; the influence of unlabeled data with predicted categories on categorisation precision; shortening click streams needed to access a given web document; and generation of key words related with a web document. The paper presents also results of experiments, which were carried out using the 20 News Groups and Reuters-21578 collections of documents and a collection of documents from an Internet portal of the Markiza broadcasting company

    Probability-based model for network traffic

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    Táto práca identifikuje základné druhy prenosu v IP sieťach a opisuje ich hlavné črty. Zaoberá sa základnými sieťovými službami HTTP, VoIP a elektronickej pošty, pričom sa sústreďuje na ich základné pravdepodobnostné modely v sieťovej premávke, ktoré aplikuje pri softvérovej simulácii reálnej siete.This work identifies several basic types of traffic in IP networks and describes main features. The basic network services such as HTTP, VoIP and electronic mail are discussed focusing mainly on HTTP and VoIP probability-based models for network traffic which are applied to the software simulation of real network.


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    The presented paper describes statistical methods (information gain, mutual X^2 statistics, and TF-IDF method) for key words generation from a text document collection. These key words should characterise the content of text documents and can be used to retrieve relevant documents from a document collection. Term relations were detected on the base of conditional probability of term occurrences. The focus is on the detection of those words, which occur together very often. Thus, key words, which consist from two terms were generated additionally. Several tests were carried out using the 20 News Groups collection of text documents

    Trusted operational scenarios - Trust building mechanisms and strategies for electronic marketplaces.

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    This document presents and describes the trusted operational scenarios, resulting from the research and work carried out in Seamless project. The report presents identified collaboration habits of small and medium enterprises with low e-skills, trust building mechanisms and issues as main enablers of online business relationships on the electronic marketplace, a questionnaire analysis of the level of trust acceptance and necessity of trust building mechanisms, a proposal for the development of different strategies for the different types of trust mechanisms and recommended actions for the SEAMLESS project or other B2B marketplaces

    Trusted operational scenarios - Trust building mechanisms and strategies for electronic marketplaces.

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    This document presents and describes the trusted operational scenarios, resulting from the research and work carried out in Seamless project. The report presents identified collaboration habits of small and medium enterprises with low e-skills, trust building mechanisms and issues as main enablers of online business relationships on the electronic marketplace, a questionnaire analysis of the level of trust acceptance and necessity of trust building mechanisms, a proposal for the development of different strategies for the different types of trust mechanisms and recommended actions for the SEAMLESS project or other B2B marketplaces

    Data Mining for Fog Prediction and Low Clouds Detection

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    his paper describes our contribution to the research of parametrized models and methods for detection and prediction of significant meteorological phenomena, especially fog and low cloud cover. The project covered methods for integration of distributed meteorological data necessary for running the prediction models, training models and then mining the data in order to be able to efficiently and quickly predict even sparsely occurring phenomena. The detection and prediction methods are based on knowledge discovery -- data mining of meteorological data using neural networks and decision trees. The mined data were mainly METAR aerodrome messages, meteorological data from specialized stations and cloud data from special airport sensors -- laser ceilometers